Continuous professional development (CPD)

Access to a principles-based Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

  • Up to date Compliance Training courses covering.
  • Monthly Newsletters and quarterly editions of CoSoZ publications, bringing you the latest news and views from across the world of compliance and AML risk management.
  • Thought leadership and online resources that give insight and practical guidance on key compliance and Money Laundering risk management issues.

Financial benefits

  • Discounts on annual conferences, forums, workshops and training courses
  • Free CPD opportunities, e.g. webinars, discussion forums

Networking and career advancement

  • Membership of a community of Zimbabwe’s compliance professionals representing various sectors within the country with whom you can engage either via social media (LinkedIn, Twitter) or face-to-face through our networking events.
  • Members have the opportunity to participate in industry-related networking events and working groups that serves as networking opportunities with individuals in the compliance field.
  • Career Portal – Job Advertising

Participate in the Activities of the Society

  • Members in good standing may vote at the Society’s Annual General Meeting and are eligible to be nominated and voted onto the Executive Council of the Society.